
Gummies – A Revolutionary Fat Buster!

Gummies – A Revolutionary Fat Buster!

THCV has grabbed lot of media attention recently for the proposed weight loss properties of its fruit extract. The natural supplement derived from the fruit has been endorsed by many nutrition experts and dietitians for its natural fat loss properties.

Many herbal products had come in the market cashing on its natural weight loss  properties. It was promoted as a booster of metabolism.

Many health professionals now understand the increased consumer interest in the above mentioned natural remedy for the weight loss. This is now clear that due to some side effects, mainly those related to hepato-toxicity, commercial supplements are removed from the market. Still clinical trials are being conducted to verify the claims of its weight loss properties. However, some studies have confirmed that the THCV Edible gummies are safe for human consumption.

General Properties of the gummies

The gummies are available in different forms in the global market today. The best part of these gummies is that everything used in their preparation and manufacturing is all natural. The use of real and herbal supplements works amazingly well in one’s health, wellness and weight loss journey. The herbal supplement used for culinary purposes and as weight loss remedy is extracted from the fruit of the plant. The size of the fruit varies in different species it can be as big as an orange but smaller size is also found. The color of the fruit is yellow and in shape it resembles a pumpkin because of its vertical lobes. Some of the species also produce orange and red fruits. The fruit cannot be eaten raw as it has a very bitter taste. The rinds of the fruit are very thin. For storing purposes the rinds of the fruit are dried in sun for many days to be used as a souring agent in future.

The fruit rinds are cured for extracting the active principle to be used as weight loss supplement and the spice for the curries. The extract is also used as a preservative for storing. So, what are you waiting for? Gone are the days when people using commercially popular supplements for weight loss.

Published by Yatin